Sponsor Us!

Howdy! We are seeking sponsors for the Brazos Runner Club – Boat of Fools. We are a nonprofit local running club committed to promoting exercise-based endeavors in our community. Since our inception in May of 2015, we have grown to be the largest running club in the Brazos Valley and have become the official training group for both the BCS Marathon and the Nutrabolt Half Marathon. As we continue to grow so do our aspirations to strengthen our community engagement. Any support you provide will help us achieve our goals to promote healthy living through exercise within the Brazos Valley. Your decision to sponsor our group is not only a great way to advertise your business to our 1000+ Facebook followers but also a great way for your business to engage with the BCS community.
Below you will find information about the sponsorship levels we have available and more details about our club. Sponsorship recognition would be good for ONE YEAR following the initial gift.
Sponsorship Opportunities
- Gold sponsors contribute $500 or more OR in-kind donations (apparel, gift certificates, products) valued at $1,000 or more.
- Your company logo would be displayed on the back of all Brazos Runners Club shirts ordered within sponsorship term (includes tech tees and tank tops). Your logo would be displayed at the top of the shirts larger size than silver- or bronze-level sponsor logos.
- Your company logo would be displayed on our website under our list of sponsors.
- Your company logo would be displayed on any club flyers or banners ordered within sponsorship term.
- Brazos Runners Club will thank your business on our Facebook page.
- Gold sponsors get TWO individual memberships to the club.
- A representative from your establishment would be invited to club events to make occasional announcements.
- Silver sponsors contribute $300 OR in-kind donations (apparel, gift certificates, products) valued at $600.
- Your company logo would be displayed on the back of all Brazos Runners Club shirts ordered within sponsorship term (includes tech tees and tank tops). Your logo would be displayed in a larger size than bronze-level sponsor logos.
- Your company logo would be displayed on our website under our list of sponsors.
- Your company logo would be displayed on any club flyers or banners ordered within sponsorship term.
- Brazos Runners Club will thank your business on our Facebook page.
- Silver sponsors get ONE individual membership to the club.
- Bronze sponsors contribute $150 OR offer club members a 10-15% discount at your establishment PLUS in-kind donations valued at $300.
- Your company logo would be displayed on our website under our list of sponsors.
- Brazos Runners Club will thank your business on our Facebook page.
- Bronze sponsors get ONE individual membership to the club
About Our Club
- OUR MISSION: Brazos Runners Club is a volunteer organization that aims to be a source of support, training, motivation, inclusion and camaraderie for members of all running and walking abilities. The club shall promote a sense of community in Bryan/College Station by providing health-based, charitable, and educational opportunities.
- SLOGAN: We may not be the same pace, but we’re all in the same boat.
- ESTABLISHED: May of 2015
- MEMBERSHIP: $30 per year (includes our insurance, Water at club runs, cups, marketing costs, shirts and promotional items, and website fees)
- CLUB RUNS: 3 weekly runs including a Monday evening track practice, a Wednesday evening tempo run with post-run social hour at Harvey Washbangers, and a Saturday morning long run with a breakfast meet-up afterwards.
- DEMOGRAPHIC: We have over 230 paid members and a Facebook following of ~1000+. Our membership is 45% male and 55% female and ranges in age from ~20 to ~70 years old. Our members include marathon and half marathon runners, triathletes, ultra-marathoners, running newbies, cross-trainers, and everyone in between.
Sponsorship Request Form
If you or your organization is interested in sponsoring our run club, please fill out the form below and we’ll reach out to get connected!